Sunday, August 3, 2014

As Summer Comes to a Close...

I cannot believe that summer is almost over! My girls go back to school August 25th! I get panicked thinking of all the things I set out to "do" this summer and still haven't done. Like redoing kid 1's bedroom (to be more preteen fabulous), trying all the new Sonic shakes, going on a vacation, going ice skating with kid 2 for the first time. The list feels endless.
SO... Instead of focusing on what's yet to be done and may never be, I'll see what I have done.
I introduced my girls to new foods. Both now happily eat (ok try) salad. Both can roller skate. Really well! Both can ride their bikes and scooters...Also really well. Minus one scooter incident...
Both love my Spotify playlist and sing along to the Go-Gos, and all the quirky tunes I listen to! 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Lovin'

Had fun today with the littles. 
Lunch downtown, at the Zodiac. Trying to do different things with the girls this summer. Enjoying the cooler weather, twice a day walks with Stella pup and lots of togetherness. Reading, coloring, thrifting, exploring....and the occasional blue coconut sno-cone.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Etsy Updates!

New goodies coming to Iamclothesminded Etsy shop...
Black light huge wall art. 
Russ & Wallace Berrie 1970s Big-Eyed Figurine. 
Georges Briard Egyptian Cocktail Set
Stay tuned for new updates!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Life is busy. Crazy. Has its ups and downs. Why can't it be like a Disney movie? Oh...wait...maybe not. It's easy to see the path of others, make recommendations based on experiences we haven't had. My (unsolicited) advice: stay open, be kind, honest, and learn from everything. Look for people who need a listener..and be that. I'm still trying. Everyday. I guess that's the most important part.