Monday, October 17, 2011

Dear dears,

Dear Devon,
 Sometimes I laugh about how much we are alike...although I can't always see it. We both love to dress up. Isn't that every mother's dream? To have a girl want to be just like her? You love your makeup and lipgloss. The darker red lips, the better. You are our family's best hugger. You loved your big sister the most from the moment you laid eyes on her... We both love scary movies. Me, the bad 70s type ones and you Scooby Doo and the Loch Ness Monster. We both are cranky in the morning. But are fine after coffee (or cranapple juice).
 It's funny because you look just like your daddy. Both have the same beautiful, intense blue eyes. Reminds me of the ocean. You also have his blonde curly locks (lucky girl).
  What will you be like when you're older? You are such a fun-loving, spirited little girl. Not even 4 yet and you have no fear. You love to climb and explore. No coloring or legos for you. You want to be out there doing things. You also love to put on a show (not sure there who you're like)... I have a strange feeling you'll keep me up at night and make me worry.
  When Chloe was your age, I was pregnant with you. I can't imagine you sharing the spotlight with a new baby. You are (and will always be) THE baby. Our baby.
 I love you so much it hurts. You are here and you're perfect.

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